Free minesweeper online
Free minesweeper online

free minesweeper online

Some versions of Minesweeper will set up the board by never placing a mine on the first square revealed, or by arranging the board so that the solution does not require guessing.Minesweeper for versions of Windows protects the first square revealed in Windows 7, players may elect to replay a board, in which case the first square may no longer be protected. The game is won when all mine-free squares are revealed, because all mines have been located. Implementations may also allow players to quickly "clear around" a revealed square once the correct number of mines have been flagged around it. The board is divided into cells, with mines randomly distributed. That's why we strive to make it the greatest game in the world Select a difficulty level to challenge yourself, and enjoy the game Start new game Beginner Intermediate Expert Rules Minesweeper rules are very simple. In some versions, a question mark may be placed in an unrevealed square to serve as an aid to logical deduction. Minesweeper Online Minesweeper Playing minesweeper is our passion. The player uses this information to deduce the contents of other squares, and may either safely reveal each square or mark the square as containing a mine. If no mine is revealed, a digit is instead displayed in the square, indicating how many adjacent squares contain mines if no mines are adjacent, the square becomes blank, and all adjacent squares will be recursively revealed.

free minesweeper online

If a square containing a mine is revealed, the player loses the game. The game is played by revealing squares of the grid by clicking or otherwise indicating each square. Typically, the size of the grid and the number of mines are set in advance by the user, either by entering the numbers or selecting from defined skill levels, depending on the implementation. Some randomly selected squares, unknown to the player, are designated to contain mines. The player is initially presented with a grid of undifferentiated squares. PRESS BOTH MOUSE BUTTONS OR THE MOUSE WHEEL (if available) to investigate any remaining uncovered squares that are beside one or more flagged mines. The game originates from the 1960s, and has been written for many computing platforms in use today. The objective of the game is to clear a rectangular board containing hidden "mines" without detonating any of them, with help from clues about the number of neighboring mines in each field. Minesweeper is a single-player puzzle video game.

Free minesweeper online